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Moving Out

It was September 3rd 2020 and the day had finally come. I was ready to leave home for the very first time and experience true independence. We loaded up the car, drove to Manchester and got a celebratory KFC on the way to my new home. These pictures are of me moving into my new apartment in Old Trafford. Instead of going into traditional student halls, UA92 students are given a discount on their own flat. When I opened the door for the first time, I was very, very pleased with it. It was one of the best days of my life.

First Impressions

Once I said an emotional (but not unhappy) goodbye to my parents, I was faced with the task of unpacking my stuff and decorating my new living space how I wanted. I spent a bit of time putting stuff away in cupboards and making the place look presentable but my excitement quickly got the better of me and I went out to go exploring in my new area. 

Typical of me, of all the things I had packed, I forgot a toothbrush so I went to Tesco to acquire this essential item and then got the tram into the city centre to have a look around. The first thing I saw when I got to the tram stop was a drunk man walking across the tracks and shouting at someone, which served as a reminder that I was now living in a place where I had to be a bit more careful than I need to be in the sleepy Yorkshire Dales. Nevertheless, I took the tram journey and I was astounded at what I could see around me. 

At this time, my interest in vintage cine cameras was raging, so I lugged my big 16mm movie camera around with me as I took in my surroundings. I had no idea where to go, so I just got off the tram at Market Street hoping this was where "everything was". Sure enough, I was right. The first thing I did was go into HMV and treat myself to a vinyl copy of an album called "Smoker's Delight" by an English electronic musician called Nightmares on Wax. This is the music I was listening to at the time and it will always remind me of when I moved out. 

After wandering around for a few hours, I decided to head home. I was kind of anxious because I'd never used the tram before but I quickly figured out I could get home by taking the Altrincham tram.

I was still brimming with excitement and loved the feeling of taking the tram. When I got off, I went back up to my flat and spent some more time unpacking my stuff and assembling a vinyl record shelf so I could listen to my music in my new place. 

After all this was done, I had the first of many oven Pizza meals

and went to sleep exhausted and very pleased with my new

home. What a day!

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